It is not that I want to move somewhere but that I need something to do while I am stuck on the plane to my real home and have finished my book or my climbing magazine or my two free drinks if I am lucky enough.
Also because Steph and I have been looking for houses for two years and we are at that exhausted time where things just never seem to be the right one or the right price or location. It must be easier for me to compromise on a location in other states when you are only there for a day and the day turns out good.
With little rock it had the good qualifications. Cheaper housing that was in good condition. Cheap cost of living in general. A climbing gym that was 6.25$ to drop in on for an evening of bouldering and also my personal highlight of the trip. The bike path leading to "Big Dam Bridge".
My real motivation to go to Little Rock, AR was a work trip to a paper mill south of there that makes paperboard going into packaging. Without mentioning manufacturer names I will say that anyone who eats a tub of ice cream will appreciate their paperboard mill in AR as this is the board typically compromising of a bottom or side layer to this container.
In my 4 hours of daylight left after the audit I got to run on the bike trails around little rock which are being greatly expanded and get a few hours of bouldering in before heading back to the hotel. This lead me to the realization that travel can be OK if you get 2-4 hours to do what you want at the end of the day before going back to the angry company or on to the next mill on day two of the audit trip. For me part two of this trip was exactly that. But at least for this trip I was able to go running the day before and clear my head between days one and two.
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