The Hike
We started out on Friday at route 109 and hiked in two miles to a really new and nice shelter. IT was a neat one with barn doors and a sky-light. Saturday morning we did 7 miles and ended at another neat shelter where I found some ramps on the descent into camp. Dinner at camp consisted of Thai style peanut noodles with chicken, ramps, a red pepper and other food ( I think I gained weight on this trip). Sunday we hiked over laraway mountain and back to our cars. On the way up in the morning I stopped for about 20 minutes and got a bunch more ramps and the final 5 miles was hiking but I was just really thinking of how I was going to cook the ramps. Hiking always gets boring for me so I find my mind wandering...
The Meal:
Back home after a little Internet research I found a recipe for ramp ravioli at a Fork My Life blog! I am starting to think that soon cookbooks will be all outdated and no one will have them. They will go out of print and people will just follow blogs. After seeing a recipe on a blog complete with up to date pictures I decided it is how I want cooking how-to's to be for me. If only climbing techniques could be learned so easily.
Steph Expressed experience to learn how to make ravioli so we had this endeavor together. We did this on Tuesday night. I have to be thankful for the granite slab kitchen table that we have and got at a yard sale. It is a great surface for these types of things.
It made for a fun evening and something to do. Steph started asking about doing rice noodles and other things that were exotic with the maker so maybe I will have to start doing food blogging in the near future.
I have to thank one a friend of my parents friends Janet Tambascio for teaching me to make ravioli back when I was homeschooling for high school.